Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Vassal using a Song of Blades and Heroes

I tested this a few times and it works as a quick way to get a game of SOBH online working. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Download Cry Havoc for Vassal
  2. Download the base module
  3. Download the Map Pack1 and Map Pack 2
  4. Download Dragon Noir 1 and Dragon Noir 2
  5. Setup a map
  6. Drag some characters onto the board
  7. Label the characters with their stats
  8. You're ready to go!
The Cry Havoc module provides a hex based game for skirmish combat. The graphics are colorful and appealing. The nice thing is that if you right-click on a character, you can change their status from healthy to wounded, stunned and dead. This fits in great with SOBH.

The game also provides a d6 for rolling on the screen. SOBH is simple enough that you can easily play it using Cry Havoc gameboard.

In the example above, you can see I labeled the characters with their stats to make it easy at a glance to see what's going on.

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