Saturday, October 25, 2008

Elves Oath - Dragon Noir

Dragon Noir Scenario:
Map: The WaterMill Map. For a miniature map, you will need to build a map with
a river running through it with a building on one side and forest on another.
A sample image of the Cry Havoc maps can be here.

The exiled Rebels - Laberne, Jon, Grast, Hohmley, Gustav, Evans (all mounted); The Orks - Zed (mounted), 1 archer, 1 crossbowman, 2 Elite Orks (both 16 attack strength), 3 warriors (2 x 14, 1 x 10).

The humans start mounted on horses. Give them the special "Mounted" and "Long Move".
For the unnamed orcs, pick orcs that match the general stats on their images.

As a special rule, if a mounted figures ever gets "Fallen" as a result. Remove them off their horse and place them adjacent to their mount. It takes 2 actions to remount a horse in battle. Horses stay in the hex where their rider was unmounted. They may be pushed aside with no penalty as part of a character's move to an adjacent empty hex.

Flavor Text:
"We are like leaves from the same tree: same blood, same destiny" says the Oath of the Elves.
Since their arrival on Kazhdin, Zacharie has advised Konrad to send a small group to meet the Elves in the forest of Penrad.
If Laberne and Jon, half-elven through their mother, were to join with the Elves
then the assistance of the Elves of the island would be acquired.

Black Fox, well named, suspects that there may be elves among the strangers
and that they will seek contact with their brothers on the island.

So he sends a patrol to intercept them on the road leading to the forest.

Starting positions and Sequence of action: The Orks enter by side 8 of the map, in the section between the corner (with side 5) and the stream.
They make one initial full move and then a second.
The exiled Rebels then start the first game turn by entering through side 6 in the section between the corner (with side 7) and the stream.

Important: A bridge is placed over the stream 2 hexes from the edge of the map (side 6), where the watercourse is no wider than one hex.
Characters may make use of this normally.

The fallen wall represents the bridge.

Victory conditions:
The first scenario is essentially a breakthrough scenario. Team 1 needs to break through the opposing team's side in order to achieve the scenario objective and gain victory points.

Specific rules:
If, before the end of the twelfth turn, the Rebels are able to exit Laberne or Jon through side 8 of the map, between the stream and the corner (with side 5),
they have won. If neither of those two characters exit the map by the specified edge before the end of the twelfth game turn, the Orks win.

Victory Points: 1 vp per 25 point kill. 3 VP for winning scenario + Campaign scenario bonus below.

Campaign scenario: If the Rebels win, the 4 Elf archers will take part on their side in the decisive battle (see Scenario 5).

Dragon Noir Song of Blades and Heroes Conversion

After reviewing the scenarios for the game Cry Havoc, I realized that the scenarios are a natural fit for a Song of Blades and Heroes.

I've started a conversion of the Dragon Noir Campaign to the Song of Blades and Heroes game to allow more people to enjoy the scenarios for this game.

The idea of the campaign is to play through the first 5 scenarios of Dragon Noir using the Rebel and Orc Army List provided by Dragon Noir scenario.

Each scenario will post the map rules along with some conversion of the original scenario to Song of Blades and Heroes.

My first attempt at this conversion is the first scenario: Elves Oath. To speed up play, I use the default teams defined in the non-campaign scenario rules.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Heroscape Warbands

Here is a set of rules for running warbands in Heroscape with similar campaign rules to Mordheim. I loved the Mordheim campaign rules and created a similar set for use with Heroscape. Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to playtest it much.


Heroscape Warbands

Supplemental Campaign rules based on Games Workshop Battle Companies and Mordheim rules to add
experienced based play to Heroscape.

Might and Fate
All Heroes can now acquire 2 new attributes: Might and Fate. These attributes allow heroes abilities
beyond normal Heroscape heroes. A hero can have a max of 3 Might and 3 Fate.
Might represents a hero’s great skill in battle. During a heroscape game, a hero can expend a Might
point to reroll an Attack roll, Defense roll, Special Attack roll or any d20 roll on his Hero card. He may
not use this ability to reroll any other player’s dice.
Fate represents a hero’s unnatural luck or the divine favor of the gods. Whenever a hero suffers an
attack that would reduce him to zero life or destroy him instantly, he may expend 1 Fate point to roll the
Fate Die.

Heroscape Warbands

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Battlephase games

If you ever search for Cry Havoc, you will come across the battlephase games website.

The developer here created two working implementations of the Cry Havoc game: Test of Faith and Deadly Ground. Both are simple quick tactical games which give you a test of the Cry Havoc game system. I'm not a big fan of the rule set but the beautiful counters always appealed to me.

The developer also has a few other free games on his website for the busy gamer looking for a quick fix.

Mekka Advance

Here is a link to a game I rewrote several years ago: Mekka Advance. Its an advanced version of Mekatac by Warpspawn games.

I wanted to keep the simplicity of Mekatac with some campaign rules.

List of changes:
- resolution system from d10 to d20
- added the concept of commanders
- reworked the usage of the action cards
- added supply points concept to add repairs/buying new pilots in between scenarios
- added an experience level system borrowed from one of the other warpspawn games(Star Fury)
- added pilot injuries.
- Cleaned up the tables and put them in nice excel format embedded in a word doc.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Red Hand Orcs - Stats

This is the starting stats for Red Hand Orcs

Treasure Hunt - Results

Onfrey and Uzun were decisive and quick in battle. They easily moved forward to the center of the village before the Orcish warband could organize itself.

Onfrey, not content with an easy victory, moved forward to spill some goblin blood with Uzun as support. Arek was the first goblin on the scene but he held his own against the mighty warrior as the orc warband slowly moved forward.

Uzun moved to support Onfrey, lest he be surronded, but it was too late. Arek knocked the archer low as Shaman came in to support his goblins with web spells. Onfrey was able to resist the magic and started his retreat. However, he was soon encircled by the orcs and beaten down.

Uzun had retreated back to the center of the map as the rest of the Apocalypse warband moved to recover the treasure. The orc warband pressed forward with Arek and Zabek in the lead.

Uzun and Alayette easily fell the goblins in their charge. Ugluk charged forward and with a savage blow knocked Uzun down. The rest of Apocalypse fled with the treasure.

Red Hand Orcs: VP 3
Apocalypse: VP 6