Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Archer Specials for a Song of Blades and Heroes

Here are two specials for SOBH. I haven't had a chance to play test them much.

Shoot or Move
Cost: -3
Requires Ranged Attack.
If you move, you cannot shoot. If you shoot, you cannot move.

I modeled the cost after the slow move. The standard SOBH rules basically allow archers to shoot on the run, so you need to give crossbowman some benefits.

This seemed to work well and the cost looks ok in my playtest.

Quick Shot
Cost: 7
Requires Ranged Attack.
If the character does not move, you may make an additional ranged attack. Each additional shot is at -1 combat. You may not make any additional melee attacks using this special.

This allows you to simulate robin hood or any excellent archer at the cost of shooting on the run.

The cost is a bit high but based on the high costs for other multiple attack specials.

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