Sunday, October 19, 2008

Heroscape Warbands

Here is a set of rules for running warbands in Heroscape with similar campaign rules to Mordheim. I loved the Mordheim campaign rules and created a similar set for use with Heroscape. Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to playtest it much.


Heroscape Warbands

Supplemental Campaign rules based on Games Workshop Battle Companies and Mordheim rules to add
experienced based play to Heroscape.

Might and Fate
All Heroes can now acquire 2 new attributes: Might and Fate. These attributes allow heroes abilities
beyond normal Heroscape heroes. A hero can have a max of 3 Might and 3 Fate.
Might represents a hero’s great skill in battle. During a heroscape game, a hero can expend a Might
point to reroll an Attack roll, Defense roll, Special Attack roll or any d20 roll on his Hero card. He may
not use this ability to reroll any other player’s dice.
Fate represents a hero’s unnatural luck or the divine favor of the gods. Whenever a hero suffers an
attack that would reduce him to zero life or destroy him instantly, he may expend 1 Fate point to roll the
Fate Die.

Heroscape Warbands

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