Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dungeons and Dungeons Character Generator - Sample Characters

After a long hiatus, I decided to blog again to share some creative material. I recently picked up ACKS ( Adventurer Conqueror King System) and it reignited my interest in starting a campaign.

Here are a few sample dungeon and dragon character from a character generator I've been working on for ACKS/BECMI style Dungeons and Dragon game.

The character generator rolls 3d6 in order and applies bonuses/penalties based on career, health, history and milestones in your past.

Here is the first one:
Str: 9 Dex: 17 Con: 11 Int: 11 Wis:6 Cha: 14
Career: Craftsman
Milestone: A natural athlete who excelled in childhood games.
Health: Good
Skills: Craft
Element: Water
Zodiac Symbol: Rat

Based on the output, this looks like an excellent candidate for a Thief or a Specialist(LOTFP).
He could be a thief whose former career was a fisherman before he took up adventuring. His nickname is "Mouse".

Str: 13 Dex: 6 Con: 12 Int: 6 Wis:11 Cha: 14
Career: Guard
Milestone: Responsible for the death of a friend/relative
Health: Good
Skills: Alertness
Element: Fire
Zodiac Symbol: Ox

I'm finding the Zodiac symbol/element help me visualize the type of character generated from the stats.

This character looks like your classic fighter - not the brightest or quickest character in the deck but good-looking and strong. Maybe he feel asleep or left his post as a guard and this resulted in a friend dying.

Last one, this character got pretty lucky
Str: 16 Dex: 11 Con: 12 Int: 13 Wis:12 Cha: 13
Career: Farmer
Milestone: Eureka! You had a glimpse of the universal truth
Health: Good
Skills: Labor
Element: Earth
Zodiac Symbol: Tiger
This milestone is pretty rare. It grants a bonus to int and wis.

The strong overall stats and high strength combined with the Eureka moment suggest a cleric or monk. Perhaps, he was a simple farmer discovered by a traveling priest to have a higher calling.

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