Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gundam mod for Song of Blades and Heroes

I had some initial design ideas for a gundam mod of "A Song of Blades and Heroes".  Here are my design notes.

Could use the basic rules to model a quick Gundam game.  I would need to pick different traits to represent the mechs.

RX-78  Q:3 C:4
Ranged(Long). Hero

Zaku Q:4 C:3

Break up the Combat score between Melee and Ranged so that you can do a bit more diffentiation. The other thing is to have a trait called Melee to give units a +1 in Melee combat to defentiate between their ranged and melee scores.  A melee trait fits more in the system than breaking it out.  When you build the model, assume all Mechs have a default combat value for ranged. Give better melee mechs a Melee trait.

RX-78 Q:3 Melee:4 Ranged:4

Zaku Q:4 Melee: 2 Ranged:4

Something simple like that. You could give the generic mechs gregarious, so they can do group move or something.  This could simulate unit actions.
Command Mechs get the Leadership trait.  The system is pretty flexible, so it should work.

Reuse the simple scenarios from Gundam Game as sample scenarios.

New Traits:
Melee: +1 to Combat score in Melee
Ace: Treat Ranged combat hits as Lethal
Melee Master: Treat Melee Combat hits as Lethal

To model new type powers,
Magic-user: No ranged attack but you get the Transfix ability( represents mental stun)
Cleric: Represent Fast Recovery and basic buffing of troops

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